What services does O’Brien Collision Repair Centre offer?

We specialize in a wide range of services, including collision repairs, dent removal, paint restoration, and fleet services, ensuring top-quality care for both individual vehicles and commercial fleets.

How long has O’Brien Collision Repair Centre been in business?

The centre has been serving customers since 1989, originally founded as Shane O’Brien Motor Services and rebranded in 2013 to its current name.

What makes O’Brien Collision Repair Centre stand out in body repair?

Our commitment to craftsmanship, use of high-quality OEM and aftermarket parts, and our membership and adherence to SIMI standards distinguish us in the industry. We invest heavily in new Repair Processes & Technology.

Do you offer any guarantees on repairs?

Yes, we stand behind our work with a guarantee of quality and satisfaction, ensuring each vehicle is repaired with the highest standard. We offer 5 Year warranty on all repairs for Vehicles less than 20 years old at the time of repair. For Vehicles older than 20 years a 2 Year Limited Warranty is provided.

Can O’Brien Collision Repair Centre handle insurance claims?

While we cannot initiate your claim, we can submit any relevant estimates or liaise with your insurer regarding the cost of repair of your vehicle and settlement of the final account.

What are your terms of engagement ?

Our terms of engagement are available here: https://obcrc.ie/toe/